Why We Don't Pray
I have told many people on more than one occasion that I find prayer to be the most difficult spiritual discipline. Perhaps it is because we often fail to realize how holy and powerful our great God is that we neglect to pray, and other times we just don't know what to say. The good news is, God has an answer for us in His word.
What God Provides
Christ teaches us how to pray (Mat. 6:9-13) and the Holy Spirit expresses our prayers (Rom. 8:26-27). The solution to our difficulties is following Christ's example and resting on the Spirit's power.
How to Pray (Mat. 6:9-13)
1. Pray to God's name. He is our Father and He is holy. It is healthy in prayer to come to God first recognizing His holiness before expressing anything else.
2. Pray for God's kingdom. God's name is the sum of His holiness; His kingdom is the spread of His holiness. Pray that others would come to see the greatness of Christ and the glory of God.
3. Pray for God's will. Pray that He would accomplish on earth what is already complete in Heaven. Pray that the church - you and I - would walk in His purposes and seek His counsel above our own. Pray for the government. Pray for your neighbors.
4. Pray that God will give us - food, clothing, and physical needs.
5. Pray that God will forgive us - for all of our sins, and in your confession know that He is gracious and compassionate and quick to forgive.
6. Pray that God will deliver us - from future sin and from temptations.
All our prayer should reflect the sufficiency of God and the helplessness of man. As we pray, we must come hungry and thirsty, realizing that our great God, Yahweh, is the only One who can fill us, for His is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.