"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." ~Jim Elliot

Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Leaving Prayer

To try to summarize my life in Indiana would be ridiculous because that would be an attempt to summarize my whole life to this point. But tomorrow afternoon will mark my final time as a resident of Indiana (for a long time anyway). So here is a parting prayer.

Thank you God...

For the lessons I learned in Indiana - for life, for godliness.
Thank you for saving me through the ministry of YDM and Faith Bible Church and for drawing me to Yourself through the word of truth.

For the people I have known. I have a sincere love and longing for all of the believers who call on your name, majestic saints who seek You wholeheartedly and have pushed me to long for You more.

For the seasons You carried me through - the good and the bad, the joy and the sorrow, the laughter, the tears, the sun, the darkest night, the deepest depression, the highest glory. Thank You for them all and for using them all to cause me to know and love You more.

For the time and the purpose for which I was here.

For the promise that this world is not my home and that I have a lasting city to come.

Thank You, Father, for all these things. Let me never forget them.


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